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So nice of you to have a look at my blogg. -I would appreciate if you put a comment here.
onsdag 21. januar 2009
Snowing i Norway, and something creative
Hi there!
l thought it was abt. time to show something l have made, since the name of this blog is Hildes creative corner! So this is my "newest" product, a pair of pot-holders for my brother, who has got a new kitchen. These kind of handicrafts are among my favourites, because it goes so fast to make a pair, and everybody needs it. Another time l will show you more of this production.
But the last couple of days it has been snowing a lot in Norway, so l have been out a lot to shuffle the snow away, because Bjørn, my husband, is in California..(he says he is working, but l think he just chillin in the sun, and take a bath in the pool ..;-) )
Spending so much time outside is a good thing in more ways. 1: l get fresh air. 2. l get exercize from taking all that heavy snow away. and 3. l see a lot of beautiful motives that l can take a picture from, and show it to you. So this is the sunset on tuesday outside our house. Beautiful, isn`t it?
And here you can see how much snow that we got the last 4 days. Now infact it is getting warmer, so the snow has started to melt..:-( Then it will be a lot of ice on the roads soon, and that is not good. The picture under is from our terrasse.
søndag 18. januar 2009
Hi everybody.
l am very fond of food and love to have long lunch, or big dinner with a lot of people. So when my friend suggested that we should make a SUSHI-party with a lot of girls, l was a bit sceptical at first because l have never eaten sushi before. But l soon agreed that it was a good idea.
We bought all the stuff we needed like norisheets, the fish, which we froze for a couple of days, wasabipaste, rice that we cooked before the guests came, vinegare, ginger etc.
But the whole clue was that we should make the sushi-bites together.
Very exiting, since it was just my friend who had tried to make it before, and only 3 out of 7 who had eaten sushi before. So Kjersti had printed out some recipts that we followed.
But it all turned out very well, and here you can see the result.
And everybody thought it was very good ;-)
torsdag 1. januar 2009
Godt Nyttår, med nye sjanser ;-)
Hei igjen!
Tenkte jeg skulle bli litt flinkere til å skrive noe her, siden vi nå er inne i et nytt år, 2009.
I juleferien var familien på Voss en liten tur, og der er det veldig flott natur, som jeg vil dele med dere her. Like ved min manns hjem ligger Bordalsgjelet, som er like flott både sommer og vinter. Dette bildet er tatt på veg til gjelet, og jeg syntes disse istappene var veldig flotte. Her har vi kommet oss inn i gjelet, trodde nesten ikke det var åpent på denne tiden av året, men det var det. Ganske villt og flott.
Voss: The home town of my husband, a small idyllic place
og så kan jeg ikke styre meg for å vise dere "nasjonalretten" for Voss, smalahove !! Fantastisk god mat ;-) (I think this picture will scare my friends from US and India! The famous cuisine, smalahove, which is smoked sheep head! In fact many norwegians also get bad feelings from this fantastic food!) But I do eat it, yes! Yammi, yammi.
Til slutt har jeg lyst å vise et par bilder fra turen hjem fra Voss, som gikk over Hemsedalsfjellet.
Da må vi kjøre gjennom Nord Europas lengste tunell, Lærdalstunellen, som har noen flotte lyssettinger. Beklager den litt dårlige kvaliteten på bildene, men de er tatt med mobilkamera, mens vi kjørte...
..from inside the Lærdalstunnell, Northern Europe`s longest tunnell, 25 km.
og ett bilde fra hemsedalsfjellet Dette var alt for nå, men jeg skal prøve å blogge litt oftere heretter.
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