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søndag 18. januar 2009


Hi everybody. l am very fond of food and love to have long lunch, or big dinner with a lot of people. So when my friend suggested that we should make a SUSHI-party with a lot of girls, l was a bit sceptical at first because l have never eaten sushi before. But l soon agreed that it was a good idea.
We bought all the stuff we needed like norisheets, the fish, which we froze for a couple of days, wasabipaste, rice that we cooked before the guests came, vinegare, ginger etc.
But the whole clue was that we should make the sushi-bites together.
Very exiting, since it was just my friend who had tried to make it before, and only 3 out of 7 who had eaten sushi before. So Kjersti had printed out some recipts that we followed.
But it all turned out very well, and here you can see the result.
And everybody thought it was very good ;-)

1 kommentar:

  1. Great post! Terje and I had homemade sushi for dinner tonight. It is cold in Nashville, but NO SNOW!
