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mandag 19. oktober 2009

Sykurs med Susan Dahlberg

Igår var jeg på sykurs med Susan Dahlberg fra Sverige, som er kjent for sine fantastiske bilder hvor hun syr med chiffoner. For uinnvidde er det tynne gjennomsiktige stoff, som legges oppå hverandre for å oppnå skygger, duse ned farger eller forsterke dem. Hun bruker et tykt stoff som bakgrunn og dette er gjerne et batikkstoff eller malt.
Det var iallefall veldig gøy å lære teknikken og Susan å kjenne, og her er mitt resultat av Blomstereng. (Det øverste bildet) De andre bildene er det de andre sydde
A small english resume:
This is the result from yesterdays sewing course with Susan Dahlberg from Sweden. She is known from her fantastic pictures sewn with chiffons, so they look as they are painted. It was a great course.

søndag 6. september 2009

Hello everybody, I`m back again ;-)

Long time no see from me. Well, in the summer I get a little lazy with everything, also handicrafts and blogging, but I have made something, and here you can see it.This mobilehouse, I made during our faboulus trip to the States in the end of May. I was crocheting, while Bjørn was driving :-). This is my newest project, a typical Hilde design of a pair of pot holders. Here made in Retro-style with colors from the 1970`s. But the colors are a bit more clear than they seems to be on this picture. And this is an old fashioned pattern, called pineapple pattern, because of the shape that appears on this small crocheted table cloth. It is made with a crochet pin 1,25 mm, so it was very tiny, but fun to make.And this is a patch, made from wool, from the dog, named Frigg, at the top of the page. That was a hard thing to do, but when I started to wash the wool inside this plastic, with the rubber gloves it finally were kept together. The red heart is a piece of yarn from alpacca goat. It is also washed in while I tried to make the dog-wool to one piece Well, this is what I had from the summer production, but I promise to come back soon.
So long, and have a great time! :-)

mandag 4. mai 2009

And something creative

In october I started to make this knitted dress. And now Im finished ;-) I had to knit the bottom edge a second time but it was worth it.
Believe it or not, but for the whole dress I only used 200 gram of yarn!! So it is so light and comfortable to wear.

søndag 3. mai 2009

Eirik`s confirmation

Long time no see...because I have been busy with the preparations for the confirmation. Beside two conserts with "my" choir...But now everything is finished, I can relax and do a lot of other stuff and prepare for my holiday to the States in 2 weeks :-D So first I want to share some pics from my sons confirmation. Because of this terrible programme "#¤&%&/%&/)&/&/) Im getting really mad!!, I don`t manage to get the photoes where I want them, so they come in a real mess, but with some explaining text.
This is a cake for celebration in Norway (and maybe other places too), called "whinches-cake" free translation! ha-ha It is made of almonds and egg-white and sugar. And I bought it from an expert.
This is my gelly-cake and is also made of a bottom of almonds, and gelly, some of it mixed with whipped cream, and it is very good to put fresh strawberrys or raspberries into it. This is a marzipan-cake from the lokal baker, with a photoprint on ricepaper on it. Very qute pict. of Eirik 2 years old. This is the flowers where Eirik was sitting
Eirik and Bjørn
Eirik is wishing everybody welcome to his celebration
And this is the name-card I made for every-one. Eirik is very fond of soccer
And a small glimt of the room and the table at Kongsberg Vandrerhjem, where we had the celebration. Very nice place.
Everything turned out well, and Eirik was very satisfied with the day, and so were Bjørn and I

mandag 6. april 2009

Springtime and easter. Yeah,-feeling alive :-)

Hi everybody! I am so happy nowadays because the snow is melting pretty fast and I can look foreward to green grass and flowers and the smell of earth. Mmm :-) But right now it is easter holiday in Norway (and a lot of other places as well) so I want to share some history with you. This year is kind of special since Anders, my oldest son, is in Nashville as exhange student with Per and Zandra, and Eirik my youngest son is 14 and does not think it is funny to go skiing etc. Therefore I will show some old easter pics. This one is from the easter 2003, taken at the top of Blefjell. Anders, Bjørn and I had a beautiful ski-trip.
Ha-ha, and this is the same year of Eirik and Tor Håkon, who are trying to dry their wet socks over the barbeque. Maybe they tried to eat them as well with ketchup and mustard ;-) Yammi, yammi..
This beautiful picture is from 2004, when we were in Voss and had a wonderful ski-trip at Rong and could see down at the Hardangerfjord. I really love this one <3
Here we are visiting uncle Halvor in Sømådalen, which is stated middle/east in Norway near the famous lake Femunden and not very far from Sweden. From 2005
Here is Anders and Bjørn at Blefjell by the fire, barbequing sausages. We also have marsmallows to barbeque.
And what is this?? Yes, this is some of my frog-collection. You now may think I am a bit crazy, and yes I am! I have a hang up to frogs in all kind of varieties, but prefer to have them "dead" at least inside the house...
More from the same table, but just a small part of my total collection. I guess I have abt. 40-50 different kind of frogs in a lot of materials. Maybe I show you some more of it later....
easter ornaments made by the kids a looong time ago.
...and here are some nice ones made of ceramics, also made by the kids :-)
These woolen chickens, I have made some years ago, except from the one in the middle, which is bought
And finally som sign of life from my garden. These are growing at the south side of the house... .....together with these qute blue ones.... ...along this flowerbed (?) is that the right word for it?
While at the north side of our house the snow will stay for at least 3-4 weeks I think.

torsdag 26. mars 2009

A delayed weekend-resume...from familyparty

Hello everybody!
This is my second try to write this blog, so I hope for success now! ;-)
Last weekend we were in Sylling to celebrate my niece`s 17`th birthday. Her name is Camilla, and she is also the "mother" to Cindy, the very qute Cocker spaniel you have seen on this blog before.
Camilla is quite busy with school, but her favorite hobbie is to practice with Cindy, and hope to take her to exhibition one day. She is also a very loving and caring young lady, and has always been like that, so I really care for her and whish her all the best.
About Cindy, the 4 legged "niece", is also a bit naughty sometimes and loves to eat glowes, socks, panties, but most of the time she is a very cozy, loving little dog, like here with me. :-)
We all had a very nice evening, with very tasty food, dessert, snacks ++, and in fact it was also the first time that we ate on their new beautiful kitchen. My brother and sister in law, Heidi and Roald, have moved a lot of times the last years, but now I hope it is the last time for them..
Here they are in the new kitchen.
Roald is my husbands brother and they are a quite small family but we try to meet as often we can, and are always having a good time together.
Last sunday was very warm and beautiful so we spent a lot of time outside on the terrase, and the "kids" and Cindy were having a lot of fun sledging down the long field, beside their house.
Here is Eirik, our son, who does not like to be taken pictures from...
The "old" ones where chilling in the sun after having the snow outside of the balcony.
But at home in Kongsberg we still have a lot of snow, so it will take a long time before we can sit at our terrace. Maybe in easter-holiday if we can clear away the snow.

tirsdag 3. mars 2009

Pulsewarmers and sewmeeting!!

Hei og hopp!
Her kommer en nesten ren kreativ blogg!! ;-)
Ca. hver 3. uke har jeg sy/strikkemøte med 3 venninder, men i vinter har det sklidd litt ut, av en eller annen grunn. Kanskje fordi en av oss er i New York årets 4 første synes ikke vi skal skylde på henne. Hun strikker ihvertfall masse i NY i en strikkebutikk med strikke-kafe og strikke-kafe på universitetet hun går på mm.
Men idag klarte vi å ha årets første sy/strikkemøte og da ble Anett ferdig med prosjektet hun har holdt på med i nesten 2 år! ;-) HURRA- Det ble et kjempefint teppe. Så all ære til henne for det! Anett with her knitted rug, finished after 2 years work :-) Very nice!!
Kirsten på symøte via skype, fra New York! Verden er liten du!
And we also had Kirsten with us from NY on skype! Here she the world isn`t big with todays tools :-)
Lisbet strikker votter, som hun tover. Deilige og varme. :-)
The third of us is Lisbet and here she is knitting some huge mittens, that she shrinks before use. They are very warm. And it is possible to order it from her.
Og så er det meg, men det var ingen som tok bilde av meg når jeg strikket, men jeg har tatt bilde av det jeg strikket på, en Tunika, som jeg har holdt på med siden i høst. Synes den bør bli ferdig snart nå da! ;-) Men det er heller ikke så mye igjen, bare litt på bakstykket og forstykke. Endelig resultat vil også bli vist, men her er det midlertidige.
This is what Im knitting on right now. When it is finished it will be a tunika (is that a proper american word??)
og så har jeg strikket pulsvarmere som nettopp er ferdige. De er strikket i to typer garn, et med perler i seg på hver 4. cm. ca og et alpakkagarn. Strikket to rader av hver, 2 vrid rett, 2 vrang og så forskjøv jeg det en maske etterhvert, så det så nesten ut som en flette. Ble fornøyd med de ;-)
And here are the pulse-warmers, made for a friend of mine ;-)

And at last I want to show you my new shoes that I bought today. They are really cool, I think..

vel det er alt for idag! Now it is sleeping time

Klem and hug

Hilde ;-)